Jenkintown Borough Hall Photo by James Short.
Jenkintown Borough to receive $800,000 for facility improvements at Borough Hall.
On Thursday, Oct. 24 the Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED), Deputy Secretary of Business Finance and Executive Director of the Commonwealth Finance Authority (CFA), Mandy L. Book issued notification of the successful grant applications and awards. Jenkintown Borough’s facility improvement grant application had been approved for $800,000. It is of importance to note that this funding opportunity requires no local matching funds.
The Jenkintown Borough Hall and Police Department building, located at 700 Summit Avenue and Public Works building at 708 Summit Avenue are slated to receive improvements through this funding. The improvements will bring the facilities into current ADA compliance, replacement of the windows, doors and lighting systems will make the building healthier, more energy efficient and less costly to sustain. Interior spaces will be re-configured and will receive new commercial grade fixtures and finishes.
Strong support and assistance through local State Offices is essential for the success of an application for a Statewide grant opportunity. This grant award would not have been possible without the continually strong support of State Senator Art Haywood and State Representative Napoleon Nelson and assistance of their very capable staff, both Elected Officials work tirelessly for/with the Borough to bring funding back to Jenkintown Borough for vital projects.
The Grant award funds originate from the Statewide Local Share Account, which comes from the PA Racehorse Development and Gaming Act. The act provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) to support projects in public interest within Pennsylvania. This round of funding for the LSA Statewide Program was very competitive and the demand far exceeded the available funds. The CFA received eligible grant requests totaling nearly $1.3 billion for approximately $346 million that was available.